Safe Home Pest Control is happy to include your place of work as a pest free zone. Our areas of commercial pest control service range from the food industry to business suites. We implement a monitoring and baiting technique to keep the pest pressure to a minimum while reserving other methods of treatment to the exterior. Safe Home Pest Control serves West Palm Beach and all of South Florida.
West Palm Beach Commercial Pest Control
Proudly Serving Local Businesses For Over 30 Years

General Pest Control: Common pests that affect the home may also find their way into your place of work. Ants, roaches, silverfish, spiders and wasps are among these common pests. We create a barrier to keeps these pests out as well as monitor and bait if the problem moves inside.

Mosquito Services: Mosquitoes can be a problem not only at your home but the work place as well. Protect you and your co-workers from potential disease carrying pests.

Bed Bug Treatments: Bed Bugs can make their way into any commercial establishment by means of transportation on people or things. If you suspect Bed Bugs in your business, call for a free inspection.

Rodent Control: Rodents will make it into anywhere they can, particularly places where they can find food. Commercial properties, especially restaurants are no exception. If you see any evidence, such as droppings, gnaw marks or grease stains, please call for a free inspection and quote of service.

Flea and Tick Treatments: If there is a pet friendly work environment, there is the potential for a flea and/or tick problem. If you or your coworkers are experiencing this issue, please call a Safe Home professional for a free inspection and quote of service.